백종원 한신포차 국물 닭발, 광어회, 폭탄계란찜, 참치마요주먹밥, 소주 리얼사운드먹방 !ㅣEATINGSHOWㅣSOJUㅣASMRㅣMUKBANGㅣKOREAFOODㅣREALSOUND
내돈 주고 내가 사먹는다 (내돈내산) 안녕하세요 제일강한 규 - 앙가입니다 주말에 3박으로 캠핑을 다녀오느라 업로드를 못했습니다 날씨고 좋고 아이들도 좋아해서 캠핑 잘 마무리하고 돌아왔습니다 캠핑하고 돌아온 저녁은 와이프도 저도 저녁준비가 힘들어 포장해와서 저녁을 먹었습니다 메뉴는 백종원 한신포차 국물 닭발, 광어회, 폭탄계란찜, 참치마요주먹밥, 소주 입니다 오늘도 맛있게 먹겠습니다 구독과 좋아요 댓글 알림설정은 저에게 큰 힘이 됩니다! 모두들 한번씩 눌러주세요 ^^ 행복한 하루 되세요 Hi Friends and Family Welcome back to my channel I'm Anga (Please Don't forget to subscribe my channel and press the bell button so that you won't miss any of my (awesome) videos I give my money and I buy it Hello The strongest Gyu-Anga I couldn't upload because I went camping for 3 nights on the weekend The weather is nice and the kids love it, so I came back after camping well Dinner after camping was difficult for both my wife and me to prepare dinner, so I packed it and ate dinner The menu is Baek Jong-won Hanshin Pocha broth chicken feet, flatfish sashimi, steamed bomb egg, tuna mayo rice balls, and soju I will enjoy it today Thanks for watching my video I hope you enjoyed my video If you like this video, give a thumbs up and also don't forget to subscribe This is all for today I hope you enjoyed my video Then I will see you in the next video Bye E-mail : ing0562@naver com 촬영 : iphone 11 Pro max #국물닭발 #한신포차 #치즈계란찜 #광어회 #참치마요주먹밥 #백종원 #소주 #SOJU #ASMR #먹방 #반주 #리얼사운스 #MUKBANG #KOREAN #BEER #KOREAFOOD #MADE&EATING #EATINGSHOW