Trouble at the Train Yard! Spider-Man Miles Morales: PS4 #5

Trouble at the Train Yard! Spider-Man Miles Morales: PS4 #5

We tinker around the old train yard as the underground attempts to blow it up! #theshowyouneverknewyouwanted is now on all your favorite platforms. Catch us on Spotify, Spreaker, Stitcher, Itunes, Google Play, Player FM, Iheart Radio, and more! Like and Subscribe to stay up to date with all future episodes. For Advertising opportunities or to just get in contact with the show Email us at: Want to support this podcast and wear some sweet "Nerd-Swag"? Come check out our New Merch on Teepublic and Pro Wrestling Tees!! HEY NERD! Be a part of our community! You can find ANS on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and now Twitch! Get cool content, news updates and plenty of gaming gameplay by following us on your preferred social media hub! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Twitch: