What is difference between Homeopathic Mother Tincture & dilution? #mothertincturevsdilution

What is difference between Homeopathic Mother Tincture & dilution? #mothertincturevsdilution

Dosto is video me Maine Homeopathic Mother Tincture and Homeopathic Dilution Different bataya hu.jane aalam pharmacy WHAT ARE THE USES OF MOTHER TINCTURE AND HOMEOPATHIC DILUTIONS IN THE GIVEN CASE.WHICH PRACTICE IS BETTER MOTHER TINCTURE OR DILUTION PRACTICE .KNOW THE BRAIN SRTOMING FACT ABOUT THIS TOPIC.... mother tincture vs potency mother tincture vs ch mother tincture vs dilution in hindi dilution vs mother tincture in hindi mother tincture practice vs dilution practice which is better mother tincture or dilution whic is better dilution or mother tincture mother tincture mother tincture uses mother tincture q mother tincture vs mother tincture vs dilution mother tincture vs liquid dilution dilution vs mother tincture dr vijay vaishnav homeopathy dr umesh khanna homeopathy homeopathic medicine dr jaswant patil homeopathy dr dilip bhattacharya homeopathy dr ajit kulkarni homeopathy dr ravindra sharma homeopathy dr pradeep kumar gupta homeopathy dr aslam homeopathic medicine dr deol homeopathy medicine dr sandeep kumar mishra homeopathy dr akbar baig homeopathy dr vijay vaishnav homeopathy डॉ. उमेश खन्ना होम्योपैथी होम्योपैथिक दवा डॉ.जसवंत पाटिल होम्योपैथी ... डॉ दिलीप भट्टाचार्य होम्योपैथी ... dr ajit kulkarni homeopathy डॉ. रवीन्द्र शर्मा होम्योपैथी डॉ प्रदीप कुमार गुप्ता होम्योपैथी डॉ असलम होम्योपैथिक दवा डॉ. देवोल होम्योपैथी दवा डॉ. संदीप कुमार मिश्रा होम्योपैथी #mothertincturevsdilution #dilutionvsmothertincture #janeaalampharmacy #DrswapnilSagarjain #Swagsedoctor #Drkirtivikramsingh #Tata1mg #HakimSulemankhan #Yogafortheglobe #zulfiqarpharmacy #Ganipathan786 #Healthcarehospital #abdullapathanofficial3947 #DrPranjaliSrivastava #MuftitarhiqMasoodspeeches #Awpl brand #trending #janeaalam000 ‎@janeaalam000  #youtube ‎@zulfiqarpharmacy3427  ‎@deHakims  ‎@atiyaherbs  ‎@deHakims  ‎@arfmuftitariqmasood1277  ‎@Drkirtivikramsingh