Homily 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C I Homily 19 January 2025 Year C

Homily 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C I Homily 19 January 2025 Year C

The readings today highlight God’s immense love for us through the theme of the marriage covenant. First Reading: Isaiah 62: 1-5 1 For Sion’s sake I will not hold my peace, and for the sake of Jerusalem, I will not rest till her just one come forth as brightness, and her saviour be lighted as a lamp. 2 And the Gentiles shall see thy just one, and all kings thy glorious one: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name. 3 And thou shalt be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God. 4 Thou shalt no more be called Forsaken: and thy land shall no more be called Desolate: but thou shalt be called My pleasure in her, and thy land inhabited. Because the Lord hath been well pleased with thee: and thy land shall be inhabited. 5 For the young man shall dwell with the virgin, and thy children shall dwell in thee. And the bridegroom shall rejoice over the bride, and thy God shall rejoice over thee. Second Reading: Hebrews 9:24-28 Second Reading: First Corinthians 12: 4-11 4 Now there are diversities of graces, but the same Spirit; 5 And there are diversities of ministries, but the same Lord; 6 And there are diversities of operations, but the same God, who worketh all in all. 7 And the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man unto profit. 8 To one indeed, by the Spirit, is given the word of wisdom: and to another, the word of knowledge, according to the same Spirit; 9 To another, faith in the same spirit; to another, the grace of healing in one Spirit; 10 To another, the working of miracles; to another, prophecy; to another, the discerning of spirits; to another, diverse kinds of tongues; to another, interpretation of speeches. 11 But all these things one and the same Spirit worketh, dividing to every one according as he will. Gospel: John 2: 1-11 1 And the third day, there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee: and the mother of Jesus was there. 2 And Jesus also was invited, and his disciples, to the marriage. 3 And the wine failing, the mother of Jesus saith to him: They have no wine. 4 And Jesus saith to her: Woman, what is that to me and to thee? my hour is not yet come. 5 His mother saith to the waiters: Whatsoever he shall say to you, do ye. 6 Now there were set there six waterpots of stone, according to the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three measures apiece. 7 Jesus saith to them: Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. 8 And Jesus saith to them: Draw out now, and carry to the chief steward of the feast. And they carried it. 9 And when the chief steward had tasted the water made wine, and knew not whence it was, but the waiters knew who had drawn the water; the chief steward calleth the bridegroom, 10 And saith to him: Every man at first setteth forth good wine, and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse. But thou hast kept the good wine until now. 11 This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee; and manifested his glory, and his disciples believed in him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you wish to know more about the works of the Bombay Jesuits and contribute to them please visit the links below: https://www.bombayjesuits.org/home https://snehasadan.org https://mpsm.in If you are interested in joining the Bombay Jesuits please click below: https://www.bombayjesuits.org/become-... Video timeline 0:00 Introduction 0:20 1st reading - Isaiah 3:18 2nd reading - 1 Corinthians 6:52 Gospel - Wedding at Cana #catholichurch #catholicism #catholic #catholic #catholichurch #catholicism #homily