7th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Mass at 5:30 PM on February 22, 2025
https://bit.ly/2Wq5Wqr is the link to the Electronic Giving page. www.sjanj.net is the parish website. Dear parishioners: During these times of uncertainty St. John the Apostle will livestream Sunday Mass each weekend for you to watch at home. For your convenience our parish offers the option of Electronic Giving. Please use this link, which takes you to the electronic giving section on the parish website. https://bit.ly/2Wq5Wqr We completely understand that many people are temporarily not receiving income from their job at this time and we pray that will change very soonโฆ but for those who can give at this time, Electronic Giving could be a convenient option. For those who would like to continue to donate using your offering envelopes, you can mail the offering to: St. John the Apostle Church, 1805 Penbrook Terrace, Linden, NJ 07036, or drop off your envelope in the slot of the Rectory parking lot door.