3-16-25  - Togo Mission Message from  Peteand Carolyn Bitner and Worship

3-16-25 - Togo Mission Message from Peteand Carolyn Bitner and Worship

Chapters 0:00:00 Opening 0:03:01 Reading of theWord 0:05:52 Worship Songs 0:20:36 Misonary Introduction 0:23:36 SIM-Togo Presentation 1:10:54 Closing Hymn It is our mission the spread the gospel to all those who will listen. We seek the build up the body of Christ and equip them to use their gifts for the good of the whole. With every endeavor our purpose is to exalt Christ and glorify the Father. Join us on Sunday's @200 Flanders Drakestown Road, Mount Olive, New Jersey 07840, Worship Times Sunday Service: 11:00 AM Directions here https://maps.app.goo.gl/s2qeamxunfcX5...