Chinese New Year Night Parade in Hong Kong | 香港花車巡遊: 全城喜迎蛇年

Chinese New Year Night Parade in Hong Kong | 香港花車巡遊: 全城喜迎蛇年

🧧The biggest highlight of the first day of the Year of the Snake has got to be the float parade!🎊The spectacular show featured nine floats and unforgettable performances by South Korean girl group Kep1er and Thai boy band LYKN, as well as 46 performing groups from 14 different countries and regions. The parade brought together locals and visitors in Tsim Sha Tsui to share in the celebration of good fortune! 🍊🙌 祝大家蛇年行大運🎊 !大年初一的頭號盛事,當然是「國泰新春國際匯演之夜」🙌 來自14個不同國家及地區的46個表演團體,連同9架花車,傾力帶來精彩演出!在尖沙咀現場,都有滿滿的香港市民和各地旅客沿途欣賞,一同迎春接福🧧🍊立刻重溫熱鬧盛況吧!