[Simply K-Pop] Rhythm Power(리듬파워) _ Rhythmpower(리듬파워) _ Ep.312 _ 051818
Rhythm Power - Rhythmpower As a pop song that's enjoyed by people across generations, "Rhythmpower" is about enjoying yourself according to your terms and your own "rhythm " 리듬파워 - 리듬파워 리듬파워와 동시대를 살아가는 또래 20대는 물론이고 기성세대의 향수까지 자극 할 수 있는 남녀노소 전국민을 향한 댄스곡이다 Visit ‘Simply K-Pop’ Official Pages Facebook: Twitter: Google+: ------------------------------------------------------------ [Subscribe Arirang Official YouTube] ARIRANG TV: ARIRANG RADIO: ARIRANG NEWS: ARIRANG K-POP: ARIRANG ISSUE: ARIRANG CULTURE: ARIRANG FOOD & TRAVEL : ------------------------------------------------------------ [Visit Arirang TV Official Pages] Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Homepage: ------------------------------------------------------------ [Arirang K-Pop] YouTube: Facebook: Google+: