Defer | 1EQ ISL Vocab
Meaning (Verb): To defer means to postpone something to a later time. Example Sentences: 1.The meeting was deferred until next week due to the manager’s absence. 2.Rina decided to defer her travel plans because of the weather forecast. 3.The project deadline was deferred to allow more time for research. Synonyms: Postpone, delay, put off. Q1.Which of the following is a synonym for "Defer"? A. Yield B. Resist C. Refuse D. Oppose Answer: A. Yield Q2.Which of the following is a synonym for "Defer"? A. Respect B. Disregard C. Ignore D. Scorn Answer: A. Respect ___________________________ ISL Signer: Punita Agarwal Intern, 1EQ Foundation Presentation Designer: Shivam Chandra ISL Content Creator, 1EQ Foundation Video Editor: Utkarsh Chaurasia ISL Content Creator, 1EQ Foundation Acknowledgements: Jagadeesh Taluri, Founder, Chairman,1EQ Foundation Richa Singh, Co-Founder, CEO,1EQ Foundation Theresa Arulvathy, Project Manager, 1EQ Foundation ISL VOCAB ___________________________________________________________ 1EQ SSC English Complete Revision Book Available on www.1KITAB.com Useful for SSC CGL, CPO, CHSL, MTS, GD, Selection Post and many other exams ____________________________________________________________ SSC CGL Aspirants in Indian Sign Language (ISL) #1EQislproject #1eq #deaf #deafcommunity #indiansignlanguage #ssc #accessibility #1EQislvocab 1EQ ISL VOCAB Project 1EQ ISL Project