ब्लड मनी | BLOOD MONEY | Full Episode | Crime Patrol Satark #crimepatrolepisode | Ep - 219

ब्लड मनी | BLOOD MONEY | Full Episode | Crime Patrol Satark #crimepatrolepisode | Ep - 219

Short Story : Police come across the murder case of Mansi Patel. Moreover, the severed body parts of Mansi's husband, Santosh are retrieved. The investigation begins and then police learn about Santosh's first wife, Alka and second wife, Ria Patil. Alka's son, Prateek comes under suspicion. The contract given by Ria to Ansari brings her also under suspicion. Ria's revelation about hiring Ansari with the help of her accountant makes Makrand Pradhan the prime suspect. Makrand's wife Shweta is also murdered. Makrand confesses his crime that he hired Santosh to Kill Shweta. Ria's brother, Akash confesses that he hired Munna to kill Santosh and Mansi. #crimepatrol #क्राइमपेट्रोल #क्राइमपट्रोलसतर्क #crimepatrolsatark #crimepatrol #thrillers #CP #क्राइमपैट्रॉलसतर्क #crimepatroldastak #crimepatroldial100 #anupsoni #crimepatrolsatark #crimepatrolfullepisode #crimepatrollatestepisode #crimepatrolnewepisode #crimepatroldial100 #crimepatrol2024 #crimepatrolserial #crimepatrolbestepisode #crimepatrolnewepisode #bestcrimepatrolepisode #crimepatrolmostpopularepisode #क्राइमपेट्रोल #crimepatrolcases #crimeworld #crimeworld2024 #crimeworldnewepisode #crimeworldbestepisode #crimeworldfullepisode #indiancrime #indiancrimestories #crimepatrol #क्राइमपेट्रोल #crimestoriesseason2 👉 Subscribe Our Channel - https://bit.ly/34on8Pp 👉 Follow us :   / worldwiderecords   👉 Like us on   / worldwiderecordsindia   ▶️ Instagram :   / ratnakarwwrindia   Note - This Content is licensed under Sony Entertainment. Worldwide Records has all Necessary Rights For Publishing.