Heavy Rain at front house : The SECRET to a Healthier Colon & Deep Sleep!! relaxing n calming impact
#4 Relaxing Rain Sound Instanly Make Asleep Immediately Deep Sleep - 99% make your Sleep Well Sleeping at night requires comfort so that when you wake up, your body is healthier & stronger Natural sounds tend to produce a relaxing and calming impact on the body. Natural sounds and green environments have long been associated with relaxation and human well-being for hundreds of years. For example, the sound of waves, birds chirping, and the wind blowing against trees are believed to calm the human mind. The sound of the waves is stable with a regular rhythm, making you think you are on holiday on a calm island. The sound of little birds reminds you of freedom. The sound of rain and thunder might create an atmosphere of 'not having to work or leave the house.' #2 Sleep Immediately with Heavy Rain Thunder Relaxing Sounds for Sleep Insomnia Study