4K SEOUL KOREA 인기폭발 홍대거리풍경, 외국인이 명동처럼 많은 홍대풍경 서울 도보여행

4K SEOUL KOREA 인기폭발 홍대거리풍경, 외국인이 명동처럼 많은 홍대풍경 서울 도보여행

■ Introduction I went to Hongdae Street, which was refurbished with Red Road on Friday night. Hongdae Street had as many foreign tourists as Myeong-dong. More than half of the streets were foreigners. In the past, it was Hongdae where young Koreans enjoyed bars and clubs and shopped. Now, Hongdae Street is a popular tourist destination such as Myeongdong, Itaewon, and Gangnam. Enjoy the Hongdae street scenery and fashionable people in the video of SEOUL TRIP 4K. ■ はじめに 金曜日の夜、レッドロードで改装された弘大通りに行きました。 弘大通りは明洞と同じくらい外国人観光客が多かった。 通りの半数以上が外国人だった。 昔は韓国の若者たちが飲み屋やクラブを楽しんで買い物をした弘大だった。 現在、弘大通りは明洞、梨泰院、江南など人気の観光地だ。 ソウルTRIP 4Kの映像で弘大通りの風景とおしゃれな人々をお楽しみください。 #hongdaestreet #koreanstreet #koreantourism #4ktour