Dont Buy a Bristlenose Pleco Without Watching this First! - Bristlenose Care and Breeding Guide

Dont Buy a Bristlenose Pleco Without Watching this First! - Bristlenose Care and Breeding Guide

Hi All, For Today's video I thought it would be a good idea to educate newcomers to the hobby that may be looking to pick up that perfect cleaner fish that will do all the maintenance for them on proper bristlenose care and why it might not be such a good idea. Hope this helps. 0:00 Introduction 0:24 Why Not? 1:04 Reasons to Get One 1:53 Common Names 2:10 Habitat 2:18 Size 2:40 Water Parameters 3:11 Tankmates 4:10 Plant Compatibility 4:48 Breeding 6:15 Colours and Types 6:45 Hardscape 7:01 Diet 7:33 Lifespan 8:00 Outro Please Comment, Like & Subscribe. This video is sponsored by Aquarium Universe. Visit and enter code "BlakesAquatics" to get 10% off your order. For the best quality, healthiest fish order online today from Allfish2u. Shipping Australia wide (with some exceptions) visit and use code 'BLAKE10' for 10% off your order. Buy my Aquarium 3D Prints on Etsy; Become a Blake's Aquatics member;    / @blakesaquatics   Facebook;   / blakesaquatics   Instagram;   / blakes.aquatics   Blake's Aquatics Discord Server;   / discord   Merchandise available at; https://www.blakesaquatics.theprintba... Podcast episodes are also available as an audio podcast on your favourite platforms such as; Spotify, Apple Podcasts or via; #BristlenoseCare #CleanerFish #BlakesAquatics