***1 Modern Humans are Not simply Africans w Neanderthal DNA through Interbreeding with Neanderthals
CHAPTERS: 00:00 We Claim that we are on the wrong foot when we assume that Modern Humans (M Humans) are Out of Africans that Acquired Neanderthal (Neand) DNA through Interbreeding w Neand. 00:09 a) simply bc W European M Humans Descended fr, and Migrated fr their resp Cradles in the Americas, and not fr Africa. All the most Relevant Ancestral Markers clearly prove All M Humans descend from the Americas, and 00:24 b) simply bc when they arrived at their Destinations, they already had the famous 2 % or more of supposed Neand DNA in their DNA. Their relative Native Americans that stayed behind also have the famous 2 % or more of supposed Neand DNA in their DNA. 00:40 In other words, there was no need to acquire Neand DNA by means of interbreeding on arrival. The enigmatic and much touted but improbable interbreeding of future M Humans with Neand never took place, on any significant scale, or not at all. 00:57 clear evidence th the assumption th W. European M Humans are the result of “Out of Africans” Interbreeding w Neand is a wrong assumption. 01:40 Right here, we will argue and prove what we genetically really are and what this supposed 2 % of supposed Neand DNA really is. 01:52 in 2 Steps, and in both Steps Ancient DNA was decisive. Bc of the First Step, even assuming the group that overturned indeed and exclusively were Out of Africans that somehow managed to interbr w Neand, betw 60 to 100 % of M Humans is not a mix of Out of Africans th managed to interbreed w Neand. 02:13 The Second Step is much more convincing and a much more Radical Proof. 02:22 Bc of the Second Step, we know th W. Eurasian M Humans have No “Out of Africa”, nor Neand DNA. 03:05 Ancient DNA proves that actual W Eurasian M Humans arrived in W Eurasia roughly after the Y Dryas, or rather between 8,000 and 4,500 years ago. a) the Genetics of the W. E. M Humans were not present in W Eurasia before 8,000 to 4,500 BP. 03:25 b) the Humans that lived in W. Eurasia before 4,5 to 8K BP, are not alive anymore today, consequently are not called W. E. M Humans, and at best some DNA of them is Absorbed by those that killed, eliminated + absorbed them bef 4,500 to 8,000 BP. 03:59 As a consequence, all “Out of Africans” that Migrated to W Eurasia, during the supposed “Out of Africa” that happened 50,000 or more years ago. (in the period the Neand were still not extinct), and even those “Out of Africans” that migrated before 4,500 to 8,000 BP, and had no chance to meet or interbreed with Neand, are not alive anymore, further no intact DNA of “Out of Africans” nor W Eurasian Neand is detectable, furt We Eur M Humans bear no DNA that can be proven to be from Sub Sah Africans or Neand. 04:52 What really Did Happen. or the Second and most radical Step, until 8,000 BP, 4 Distinct Groups arrived in Western Eurasia, that was 2 groups of Gatherers more to the North + 2 groups of Farmers more to the South, of W Eurasia. 05:09 After 8,000 years ago, these Four Groups Mixed and turned into One Group of Gatherers + One group of Farmers. 05:16 Next, 4,000 years ago, also Europe's Third Ancestry Arrived. When this Third Ancestry Arrives, it has the supposed Neand DNA already on board. 05:27 Neand DNA does not come fr some mixing of the Arriving Europe's Third Ancestry in W Eurasia, simply bc the arriving group never was present in W Eurasia, and when they arrived the Neand already had become Extinct. 05:46 Research of "David Reich" in 2013 and 2015, involving the so-called “Three Population Test”. SOURCES: David Reich – How One Small Tribe Conquered the World 70,000 Years Ago • David Reich – How One Small Tribe Con... @DwarkeshPatel Our biggest difference with Neanderthals – David Reich • Our biggest difference with Neanderth... Modern man continues to have traces of ancient human DNA, says American geneticist David Reich (ThePrint uninterrupted, Soumya Pillai) • Modern man continues to have traces o... Deep in the Amazon rainforest lives a community whose hearts age more slowly https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ceq... What Can We Learn From Amazonian Tribes’ Younger, Healthier Brains?https://www.beingpatient.com/what-can... South American group has the healthiest arteries ever seen https://www.newscientist.com/article/... eng Johannes & Team, PDB Destination, RN - Brazil. e-mail : [email protected] Whatsapp : +55 84 991084699 https://wa.me/5584991084699 Instagram : @paraisodobrasil PARAÍSO DO BRASIL (@paraisodobrasil) / paraisodobrasil Google Maps (PDB easy to find and with routing): https://maps.app.goo.gl/na6Mm46JwmtgN... Website : www.safehavenbrazil.com internal: 250304 16h54 ENG DAVID REICH 8min 01 a