MSRPM CROSS OVER NIGHT 2023, 10 PM CET 31.12.2022
Turn your videos into live streams with Restream https://restre.am/ANIm #HOLINESSANDTRUE#RIGHTEOUSNESS#SANCTIFICATION#PURITY #WORSHIPANDTHANKSGIVING#BAPTISM#EVANGELISM#TITHE#HELPINGTHELESSPRIVILEGES#HEALINGANDDELIVERANCE#HUMILITY#HEAVENANDHELLFIREMESSAGES#MIRACLES LINKS: / @livingtruthchannel3789 https://zoom.us/j/325627224 http://msrpm.org/Media/Live-Streaming / apostle.obazele MSRPM SERVICE COMPLETE TIME-TABLE. Every 6 am cet, Holy Ghost Hours, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY & EVERY FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH. Mondays Holy Ghost Hours Service: Children/Marriages Intercessory Prayer Service. Thursdays Holy Ghost Hours Service: All Nations/ Persecuted Christians Intercessory Prayer Service. Saturdays Holy Ghost Hours: Children/Families Intercessory Prayer Service. Every Wednesday's And Friday's: 6Am-3PM FASTING/PRAYERS: Meeting Time: 6Am, 11am and 2pm Cet. Every First and Last Wednesday of the Month: Intermediary Prayer For Fallen Churches/Pastors, 10:0 pm Cet. THURSDAYS: Bible Study 9pm cet. 2rd Thursdays Bible Study (QUESTION AND ANSWER). SUNDAY DYNAMIC WORSHIP SERVICE:11:00 am cet. SUNDAY THANKSGIVING: (First & Last Sunday Of The Month) TIME: 9:00pm cet. SPECIAL HOLY Communion SERVICE, Every First Monday Of The Month: TIME: 9:00pm cet. EVERY FRIDAY: (12 Midnight), Night With The King of all kings: Children's Fasting/Prayer: Every First And Last Saturdays Of The Month: Meeting Time: 10:00 am cet. Children's Bible Study: Every 2nd and 3rd Saturday Of The Month: 11:00 Cet. Every First And Last TUESDAY Of The Month: YOUTHS/TEENAGERS MEETING: 9:00 PM cet. =================================================================== (TO SUPPORT THE ORPHANAGE PROJECT) BANK ACCOUNT: ACCOUNT NAME: MOUNTAIN OF SOLUTION AND REDEMPTION PRAYER MINISTRY ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0043775320 BANK NAME: UNION BANK NIGERIA PLC SWIFT CODE: UBNINGLA ========================================================= FOR TITHES, OFFERINGS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARDS THE WORK OF GOD. Account Name: MOUNTAIN OF SOLUTION AND REDEMPTION PRAYER. Account Number: 959548700. Bank Code: 60010070. IBAN:DE15600100700959548700. BIC: PBNKDEFF. Bank Name: POST BANK. ========================================================== Connect with us on zoom: click on the link: https://zoom.us/j/325627224 For more information about MSRPM : www.msrpm.org Tel: +4915211334015 Also Tel: +353899753583 MAY THE ALMIGHTY EMPOWER US TILL THE END IN JESUS CHRIST MIGHTY NAME. AMEN