TELEPATHY hindi।टेलीपैथी कैसे करें।How to send a mental message|#awakening #telepathy Deepika Bhasin
TELEPATHY hindi।टेलीपैथी कैसे करें।How to send a mental message|#awakening #telepathy Deepika Bhasin Namaste 🙏! I am a Certified REIKI Master and Twin Flame. Please offer services to you .As I strongly feel that there is a need to show some light to lots of souls who feel that their friends and family don't understand them and they have no one to talk to. Here I am Deepika Bhasin herself has been going through a spiritual awakening and ascension from the past so many years still continued by my own with the help of my Spirit Guides. Now I am here to help my soul family members by my own experiences along this way to ascension. To book your 1 to 1 session , text me at my WhatsApp number- 9888987668 for your following Paid Services I offer. 1.Distance Reiki Healing for Health Issues like migraine, insomnia, Depression, Back pain, chronic pains etc. 2.Distance Healing for Relationship problems , Financial problems also. 3.Certification Reiki Courses. 4.Counselling on Spiritual Ascension journey. 5.Guidance/counseling for Twin flames on their spiritual ascension journey. 6.Relationship counseling for soulmates. You can find it by EBOOK On Amazon Kindle : " MISSING KEY IN SPIRITUAL GROWTH https://amzn.eu/d/dwFzBbs " Just RS: 222 Only Playlists Direct-link Twin Flame : • Twin Flames How to Ground Yourself (All About Grounding) Hindi। Grounding for Twinflame: • How to Ground Yourself (All About Gro... Spiritual Awakening : • Spiritual Awakening Chakras : • Chakras Angel number & Spirit Guides: • Angel Numbers and Spirit Guides Universal Laws : • Universal Laws Numerology : • Numerology Spirituality : • Spirituality Healthy Life-Style : • Practice Healthy life-style HAVE A QUESTION FOR A VIDEO? → If you have a question for my weekly videos, please leave in the comments below, along with the hashtag #askdeepika Subscribe to this channel so you get notified by upcoming videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSqs... You can also join us on FACEBOOK : / lightbearerd. . And over INSTAGRAM : / lightbearertwinstar GET IN TOUCH Contact us on : [email protected] Back ground Music Credit : Heart and Soul Musician : BDKSonic #telepathy #reikidistancehealing #spiritual #spiritualawakening #empath #healer #twinflame #universallaws #numerology #kundaliniawakening #signsofkundaliniawakening #signsofspiritualawakening #mindfulpractices #dynamicbreathing #aura #angelnumbers #spiritguides #lightworkers #chakras #askdeepika #lightbearertwinstar #deepikabhasin