THIS Painterly Brushstroke Method in Blender Is FREE & EASY
In this Blender tutorial I want to show you a few tips and tricks about how I create a painterly art style similar to the recent Spider Verse or TMNT movies that works in both Cycles And Eevee. I use only Free add ons, like UCUPaint and Brushflow as well as a few nodes in the compositor like the Kuwahara node. I am in love with this style and hope you can maybe pick up a few things in this video to help you achieve the same or greater. I talk specifically about a simple Shader setup including normal maps and my compositor node set up. It’s super easy and perfect for Beginners. Great results guaranteed! ---------------- Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:39 UCUPaint 2:12 Shader Setup 3:14 Brushflow Normal Map 4:14 Add Normal Map And Hue Saturation 5:44 Compositor 6:26 Outro ------------------ Links: (not sponsored) All FREE Download Blender: https://www.blender.org/download/ UCU Paint: https://extensions.blender.org/add-on... Brushflow Addon: https://blendermarket.com/products/br... My Sound Effects and Music Epidemic sound: https://share.epidemicsound.com/ijgkkm Follow us for on social Media Insta: / breadfortoday_3d LinkedIn: / breadfortodayllc You can potentially learn the following: how to do the spider verse style in blender Blender 4.2 spider verse look with compositor Compositor tutorial Painterly Comic look with blender Blender eevee and cycles Eevee tutorial for weaker computers How to use Brushflow add on in Blender How to add hand painted texture to objects in Blender How to videos for learning blender #blender3d #painterly #spiderverse