Vaishnavi Sharma Bowling: भारतीय महिला टिमने नया रेकॉर्ड Gongadi Trisha Century | U19 World Cup

Vaishnavi Sharma Bowling: भारतीय महिला टिमने नया रेकॉर्ड Gongadi Trisha Century | U19 World Cup

Vaishnavi Sharma Bowling: भारतीय महिला टिमने नया रेकॉर्ड Gongadi Trisha Century | U19 World Cup Your Query: u 19 women's world cup highlights 2025 under 19 world cup vaishnavi sharma bowling vaishnavi sharma hat-trick vaishnavi sharma hattrick vaishnavi sharma hat trick vaishnavi sharma 5 wicket vaishnavi sharma 5 wickets vaishnavi sharma vaishnavi sharma bowling ind vs Malaysia u19 women World Cup Vaishnavi Sharma Hattrick ind u19 vs malaysia u19 trisha century gongadi trisha 100 india u19 match india women's u19 ind vs ban u19 match ind u19 vs ban u19 highlights ind u19 vs ban u19 women's highlights ind u19 vs ban u19 highlights 2025 india u19 women's team bangladesh u19 women's team icc u19 women's world cup 2025 icc u19 women's t20 world cup 2025 live icc under 19 women's world cup 2025 trisha gongadi u 19 womeens world cup live u19 women's world cup 2025 highlights CREDIT BY: Image Credit: Google ICC Bcci News JioCinema Hotstar Twitter Video Back Ground Music: YouTube Audio Library. Video Voice Over: AI. Social: NOTE: ALL THE PICTURES/IMAGES AND PHOTOS SHOWN IN THE VIDEO BELONG TO THE RESPECTED OWNERS AND NOT ME. I AM NOT THE OWNER OF ANY PICTURE IN THE VIDEO. Alert - The purpose of this channel is to reach all the news that has come in the newspaper, internet, or social media. This channel does not claim to be true or false. We just want all that news to reach you through a short video. So that you are updated with every news. Please don't Forget to Like, Share & Subscribe. Thank U. #indvsban #indwvsbanw #indu19vsbanu19 #indiawomenvssrilankawomen #sportsfusionhub #iccu19womenst20worldcup2025 #vaishnavisharmabowling #under19worldcup #vaishnavisharma #u19womensworldcup #harshitrana