Low Back and Hip Pain, Chronic Back Pain Symptoms, How to Diagnose Properly, How to Treat Back Pain
3 Important Points you must check in Chronic Back Pain (Back pain or leg pain more than 3 Months) In this video Dr. Varun Wasil- MPT(Orthopaedics) from Sukoon Physical Therapy, Jalandhar, explained about Back pain which is radiating to calf muscle, Inguinal area (Groin Pain) and Low back stiffness. Visit our Website: https://sukoonphysicaltherapy.com/ Order Combo-- Back Rest For Chair & Back Support Wedge Pillow For Bed Send WhatsApp message at 9530766255 For Phone Consultation - Send WhatsApp Msg at 9530766255 He also explained following points in this video: Low back and hip pain, lower back and buttock pain, low back pain treatment, sciatica pain treatment, chronic back pain symptoms, herniated disc symptoms, Lower back and calf pain #lowbackpain #backpain #physiotherapy #sukoonphysicaltherapy #herniateddisc #hippain