요거트 찍먹파 | Yogurt Dipper
토비가 사촌네서 무가당 플레인 요거트, 오트밀, 구운 계란, 토마토, 그리고 오이 스틱을 제공 받(고 오이는 먹지 않)았다 요거트가 맛있었는지 계속 “여거떠” 했는데, 밥을 다 먹고 준다니까 오트밀을 흡입했다 토비의 사촌들은 유부초밥을 먹었는데 둘 다 안 좋아하는지 거의 남겨서 아빠의 아침밥이 되어 버렸다 아빠는 이제 막 한국에 와서 맛있는 거 사먹어야 한다구 At his cousin’s house, Toby was offered unsweetened plain yogurt, oatmeal, baked eggs, tomatoes, and cucumber sticks (but he didn’t eat the cucumbers) He must have liked the yogurt because he kept saying, “Yoh-gurt!” When told he’d get more after finishing his meal, he finally decided to inhale the oatmeal Toby’s two cousins had seasoned rice wrapped by fried tofu (유부초밥; yu-boo-cho-bap), but neither of them seemed to like it much, leaving most of it behind It ended up becoming Dad’s breakfast Dad had just arrived in Korea and was supposed to be eating something delicious sold at restaurants… #24개월아기 #24monthsold #밥먹는토비 #tobyiseatingameal uploaded on 1/25/2025