#054 Ten Questions about GABAPENTIN (Neurontin) for pain: uses, dosages, and risks

#054 Ten Questions about GABAPENTIN (Neurontin) for pain: uses, dosages, and risks

In this video, Doctor Andrea Furlan reviews gabapentin and answers 10 common questions about gabapentin: 00:00 Introduction 01:14 Q1 How does gabapentin work? 05:35 Q2 What is the proper dose? 07:18 Q3 Can take with other painkillers? 07:43 Q4 Why do they give before surgery? 09:34 Q5 Is it different from pregabalin? 10:03 Q6 Can it cause weight gain? 10:20 Q7 Can I drive? 11:10 Q8 Do I need to stop alcohol? 11:34 Q9 Is it good for anxiety and insomnia? 12:44 Q10 Can people abuse gabapentin? To read the script of this video, visit my Medium story here: https://dr-andreafurlan.medium.com/ga... Subscribe to this channel: http://bit.ly/DrFurlan #drAndreaFurlan #DrFurlan #DoctorFurlan Let’s meet on Social Media: Instagram:   / dr.andrea.furlan   Facebook:   / dr.andrea.furlan   Twitter:   / adfurlan   LinkedIn:   / drandreafurlan   ============================================= ALERT: This video is not intended to replace medical advice. If you think you have a condition that is causing you pain, please consult with your doctor to get a diagnosis and a treatment plan for you. The intent of this video is only for educational purposes. =============================================