R2R Guided Meditation: Reframing the Past & Self-Compassion
Embracing Yourself with Kindness & Wisdom 💎INTRODUCTION: The Journey to Self-Compassion💎 Close your eyes gently.Take a deep breath in… and slowly exhale.Let yourself settle into this moment. Bring your awareness to your heart space.Notice any tension, any heaviness—without judgment, just awareness. For so long, you may have carried regrets, self-criticism, or guilt.But today, you are here to shift that weight—to replace self-judgment with self-compassion.To rewrite the way you see your past. Take another deep breath.Let this be a breath of acceptance. Now, recall the words from the Bhagavad Gita (6.5):"Let a person lift themselves by their own mind, and not degrade themselves. The mind alone is the friend of the self, and the mind alone is the enemy." Let this truth settle in.You have the power to be your own best friend—to offer yourself love, rather than harshness. ➡️1️⃣ Step 1: Seeing the Past with Gentle Eyes Now, imagine yourself standing in front of a large mirror.This mirror reflects not just your face, but your entire journey—every moment, every choice, every experience. Look into this mirror with gentleness.Notice how much you have endured.Notice how much you have learned. If your younger self were standing before you, how would you speak to them?Would you be harsh? Or would you be understanding, kind, and patient? Now, whisper to your reflection:"I see you.""I understand you.""You did the best you could with what you knew at the time." Breathe deeply.Let this truth settle into your heart. Now, recall the wisdom of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (1.33):"By cultivating attitudes of friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the suffering, delight in the virtuous, and equanimity toward the non-virtuous, the mind retains its undisturbed calmness." This includes compassion for yourself.Can you extend the same kindness to yourself as you would to a dear friend? Breathe in compassion.Breathe out self-judgment. ➡️2️⃣ Step 2: The Power of Self-Compassion Now, place your hands over your heart.Feel the warmth, the energy beneath your palms. Repeat these words slowly, with intention: 🌿 I release the need to be perfect.🌿 I forgive myself for what I didn’t know then.🌿 I offer myself the same kindness I would offer a dear friend. Self-compassion does not erase the past, but it allows us to move forward without shame.It allows us to grow with love, rather than regret. Now, recall the powerful wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita (2.50):"One who is established in wisdom lets go of attachment to success and failure. By acting with a steady mind, one attains peace." As you sit with this truth, gently breathe in.Feel yourself softening toward yourself.Feel yourself becoming lighter. ➡️3️⃣ Step 3: Reframing Regret into Wisdom Think of a moment from your past that still brings you pain.Something you have been holding against yourself. Now, visualize this moment as a small seed in your palm.This seed represents not your failure, but your growth. Now, gently plant this seed into the earth.Watch as it transforms—its roots taking hold, its leaves reaching upward. This past moment is no longer a wound.It is now wisdom.It is now part of your strength. Say to yourself:"I am not defined by my past, but shaped by it.""I choose to carry wisdom, not shame." Breathe this in.Feel the weight lifting. Now, reflect on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (1.12):"Through dedicated practice and non-attachment, the mind finds stillness." Let go.Allow yourself to detach from the pain, while keeping the wisdom.This is your moment of transformation. ➡️4️⃣ Step 4: Embracing Yourself Fully Now, visualize a soft golden light surrounding you.This is the light of self-love.This is the warmth of your own kindness. Let this light fill your heart, your body, your mind. With every inhale, breathe in forgiveness.With every exhale, breathe out self-judgment. Say to yourself one final time: 💛 I am worthy of kindness.💛 I am worthy of love.💛 I am enough, just as I am. Take a deep breath in… and exhale slowly. Now, recall the wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita (18.66):"Abandon all doubts and surrender unto me. I shall liberate you from all sins. Do not fear." Let go of fear.Let go of doubt.You are held by the universe.You are enough. When you are ready, gently open your eyes. Carry this gentleness, this kindness, this new way of seeing yourself into the rest of your day. 🧘🧘♀️ 🧠