Powerful Smooth Fishing Knot for Leader Braid to Mono or Fluorocarbon

Powerful Smooth Fishing Knot for Leader Braid to Mono or Fluorocarbon

A versatile and strong knot used in fishing to connect two lines of different diameters or materials. It's particularly useful when joining monofilament to braided line or when attaching a leader to your main line. Greetings, you are in the right place to learn fishing hacks like the experts. Let's begin to learn how to tie a hook, connect strings from braided to monofilament to fluorocarbon, attach a bait, make a bait, do fishing tips and tricks, and a lot more than you can learn from this channel. Hopefully, this channel will be helpful to you. Salam, anda berada di tempat yang tepat untuk mula belajar memancing seperti yang dilakukan oleh para pakar. Mari mula belajar bagaimana mengikat cangkuk, sambungkan tali dari jalinan ke monofilamen ke fluorokarbon, pasangkan umpan, buat umpan, petua dan trik memancing, dan banyak lagi yang dapat anda pelajari dari saluran ini. Salah satu cara tertua untuk bertahan hidup adalah memancing. Memancing adalah amalan kuno yang wujud sekitar 40,000 tahun yang lalu ... Semoga saluran ini dapat membantu anda. These are the other knots for fishing: palomar knot, uni knot, fg knot, gt knot, blood knot, albright knot, snell knot, double uni knot, clinch knot, trilene knot, improved clinch knot, loop knot, yucatan knot, braid twister knot, figure 8 knot, san diego jam knot, ashley stopper knot, paracord knot. Fishing Knots Tutorials:    • How to Tie a Basic Hook | Fishing Kno...   Please don't forget to subscribe. Salt and Fresh water fishing blogs and tutorials Thank you God bless! #albrightknot #simpulmemancing #nudosdepesca