Saying Just ‘YES’ Will RUIN Your IELTS Speaking Score! #ieltspreparation
🚨 One-word answers are IELTS killers! ❌ Why is this a problem? Doesn’t show fluency or coherence Makes the conversation unnatural Limits your vocabulary & grammar use ✅ How to fix it? 1️⃣ Expand your answers – Give details, explanations & examples. 2️⃣ Use connectors – ("For example…", "One reason is…", "Personally, I think…") 3️⃣ Practice thinking in English – Answer daily questions in 3 full sentences. 💡 Try this: Answer: "Do you like traveling?" in 3 sentences and comment below! ✍️ 🔑 IELTS Success = Detail + Fluency, NOT One-Word Answers! #ielts #ieltsprep #ieltstips #speakingtest #ieltsspeaking #band7plus #englishspeaking #ylic #yourlocalieltscoach #ieltstipsandtricks #avoidmistakes