Ezekiel Chapter 35 Contemporary English Audio Drama (CEV)

Ezekiel Chapter 35 Contemporary English Audio Drama (CEV)

⌚Verse Time Stamps⌚ [COMING SOON] Ezekiel Chapter 35 Summary: "Son of man, prophesy against Mount Seir: Because you delivered Israel to the sword, blood will pursue you. You will be desolate." 📘 Contemporary English Version (CEV) ABOUT THIS BOOK: Ezekiel was a priest and a prophet. He had been taken away as a prisoner to Babylonia, where he lived among the other exiles from Judah. The Lord chose Ezekiel to be his prophet and to preach his message, not only to the exiles in Babylonia, but also to the people still living in Jerusalem. Ezekiel’s ministry probably began around 593 B.C., during the last years of the kingdom of Judah, and it ended sometime around 570 B.C., several years after the fall of Jerusalem (586 B.C.). Ezekiel preached before and after this horrible disaster, and some of his messages threatened judgment and others offered hope. The book of Ezekiel can be divided into five main parts. The first part (1-3) describes Ezekiel’s vision of the Lord’s glory and tells how the Lord appointed Ezekiel to be his prophet. The second part (4-24) includes several messages warning the people of Judah that they will soon be punished for turning away from the Lord. Ezekiel acted out many of these warnings. And the third part of the book (25-32) includes the Lord’s judgments on nearby nations. The fourth part of the book (33-39) is made up of Ezekiel’s messages after he heard that Jerusalem had been captured. These are messages of hope.The Lord promises he will forgive his people and bring them back to Judah and Jerusalem. Finally, the fifth part of the book (40-48) is Ezekiel;s vision of the new temple in Jerusalem, its regulations for proper worship, and how the restored land of Israel will be divided among the tribes. When the Lord speaks to Ezekiel, he calls him “son of man.” Although this expression shows that Ezekiel is a mere human, it also shows that he has been appointed to preach the Lord’s message to the people of Judah and Jerusalem. One of the most familiar passages in the book is Ezekiel’s vision of the valley full of dried-out bones. Ezekiel watches the Lord’s spirit blow life into the dead bodies, and he sees them come back to life. The Lord then tells Ezekiel: The people of Israel are like dead bones. They complain that they are dried up and that they have no hope for the future. So tell them, “I, the Lord God, promise to open your graves and set you free. I will bring you back to Israel … My Spirit will give you breath, and you will live again.” (37.11, 12, 14a)