Eglise St Jean Baptiste - FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT MASS 03/10/24
Holy mass celebrated by Father John Kamas at St. Jean Baptiste Roman Catholic Church in New York City for the Fourth Sunday of Lent 2024. 2 CHRONICLES 36:14-16, 19-23 | EPHESIANS 2:4-10 | JOHN 3:14-21 PASTOR’S REFLECTION: The gospel, this fourth Sunday of Lent, has a number of important points that need to be pointed out before we reflect on the passage. Jesus is speaking with Nicodemus who was secretly coming to him under the cover of darkness. He was secretive because he was a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin, the court of elders that condemned Jesus to death. He had tried to intervene but failed. Nicodemus is struggling to understand Jesus – struggling to know him. He’s trying to bring light into his mind and heart. In John’s gospel there is a continual struggle between good and evil, darkness and light. This meeting with Nicodemus is powerful by its very nature because Nicodemus is slowly emerging the darkness. He’s in conversation with the Light himself. Jesus pronounces a prophecy. “Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.” He’s foretelling his crucifixion. Jesus is telling Nicodemus that by looking into the darkness of his crucifixion, his mind and heart will be healed, liberated. Looking at the cross and believing in him, he’ll see the Light. The cross will testify that “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that everyone who believes in him might not perish, but might have eternal life.” Nicodemus will remain a secret disciple until the day of Jesus’ death. Quite openly he assists Joseph of Arimathea in Jesus’ burial. He brings an enormous amount of myrrh and aloes – one hundred pounds, enough for the burial of a king. During this Lenten time, we’re invited to join Nicodemus as he gazes on the crucified King. To ponder God’s love for us, to wash ourselves in the water and blood that flow from Christ’s heart. To be reborn into the Light. ———————— Check out our website: http://www.sjbny.org and you’ll find all the latest updates about the Church, the theatre and much more about this month, including the schedule for the Holy Week! As always, a huge and very grateful THANKS also to our donors for your loyalty and generosity, in person and online! CLICK ON SUBSCRIBE BUTTON TO GET A NOTIFICATION ONCE MASS IS ONLINE! *