10/15/2023 Morning Worship Service at PGMBC w/ Pastor Gus Osborne

10/15/2023 Morning Worship Service at PGMBC w/ Pastor Gus Osborne

Sermon- “God’s Wayward People” (Hosea 1:2) Devotion Selections: Morning Prayer- Deacon James Brown “Victory Is Mine” - (Lead- Bro. Campbell) Choir Selections: 1. “Jesus Will” - (Lead- Sis. Kimberly) Altar Call- Pastor Osborne 2. “I’ve Got to Run” - (Lead- Sis. Rosa) Welcome- Bro. Alexander Church Announcements- Deacon Campbell Brown 3. “Lord You’ve Brought Me From A Mighty Long Way” - (Lead- Sis. Kindra) 4. “Amazing Grace” 5. “I’m Gonna Do All I Can For My Lord” - (Lead- Pastor Osborne) We do not own the copyrights to this music.