Disney Junior Family Movie Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas (1999) Promo December 2023 #disney100

Disney Junior Family Movie Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas (1999) Promo December 2023 #disney100

Hey guys! I found the classic Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas Disney Junior Family Movie Promo that is sure to capture your heart and make y'all emotional, just like Happily Ever After at WDW! This was taken back on December 1st, 2023 when Disney planned to premiere this movie last Saturday, December 2nd! Also, this movie will air throughout this month on Disney Junior and Disney Channel on certain weekends, so keep an eye out on the Disney Schedules! Credit to Continuity Network for this promo! Since he comments on promos, I edited the whole promo to make it smooth without interruptions on a video editing app! NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED! Source of this special promo:    • Disney Junior USA Continuity & Commen...   Subscribe so you can be notified about my upcoming videos! We’re on the road to 1,000 subscribers, so it would mean a ton if you hit the subscribe button right now! Please follow me on IG and Twitter now! IG link:   / sorcererm1ckeyfan   Twitter:   / sm1ckeyfanguy   #disney100 #disneymovies #holidaymovies #christmas #2000s #cartoons #mickeymouse #thegiftofhappiness #love #emotional #classics #heroism #happilyeverafter #magical