డయాబెటిస్ను, రక్తపోటును అదుపులో ఉంచే ఉలవలు - Horse gram help control Diabetes and Blood pressure
డయాబెటిస్ను, రక్తపోటును అదుపులో ఉంచే ఉలవలు - Unknown and Interesting Health facts Description: Diabetes and High BP are controlled by Horse Gram! 🌱🐎 Black gram has lot of fibre. This helps reduce cholesterol, Diabetes and Blood pressure. it helps Boost weight loss, improve heart health, manage diabetes, and enhance immunity with this protein-rich superfood. Discover its antioxidant properties, versatile culinary uses, and natural remedy. 🌱✨🥗 Subscribe for more nutrition insights. Know how horse gram helps in controlling diabetes, high blood pressure, piles, cholesterol, obesity, constipation, skin problems etc. డయాబెటిస్ను, రక్తపోటును అదుపులో ఉంచే ఉలవలు - Unknown and Interesting Health facts #Healthfacts #ఉలవలు #HorsegramBenefits ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: / @bikkinainfo Follow me on Facebook at / ramachandrarao.bikkinav Follow me on Twitter at / ramchandrabv FOR Inquires, PLEASE CONTACT THROUGH: bvrama2010@gmail.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************************************************** FOR BUSINESS RELATED Inquiries, CONTACT: bvrama2010@gmail.com ************************************************************************** ఆరోగ్యంపై మీకు ఉపయోగపడే నా ఇతర వీడియోలు బిక్కిన ఇన్ఫోలో చూడండి. / bikkinainfo ఆరోగ్యంపై మీకు ఉపయోగపడే నా ప్లేలిష్టులు / bikkinainfo ******************************************************************* IMAGES AND VIDEOS USED IN THIS VIDEO UNDER CREATIVE COMMONS, PUBLIC DOMAIN AND OTHER FREE SITES DETAILS SOME IMAGES AND VIDEOS USED IN THIS VIDEO HAVE BEEN DOWNLOADED FROM THE FOLLOWING WEBSITES, MOSTLY, UNDER THE PUBLIC DOMAIN AND CREATIVE COMMONS. ATTRIBUTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE TO THE IMAGES THEMSELVES, WHEREVER NECESSARY. 1. https://pixabay.com 2. https://commons.wikimedia.org 3. https://en.m.wikipedia.org 4. https://www.pexels.com 5. https://www.flickr.com 6. https://makeagif.com 7. https://www.freepik.com 8. https://rawpixel.com 9. https://smart.servier.com, CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/..., via https://smart.servier.com 10. www.freepik.com 11. Music from YouTube music library 12. Music from Video Editors used in the video making ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The information in this Video is Designed for EDUCATIONAL Purpose Only. It is not intended to be a substitute for any kind of medical treatment nor for any informed medical advice nor medical care nor any nutritional advice. You Should not use this information to diagnose or treat any medical, health or nutritional problems. Please consult a doctor or a qualified professional with any questions or concerns you might have on the subject or content of this video.