50 Ways To Make A Narcissist OBSESSED With You, Miss You And Regret Losing You

50 Ways To Make A Narcissist OBSESSED With You, Miss You And Regret Losing You

50 Ways To Make A Narcissist OBSESSED With You, Miss You And Regret Losing You #howtomakeanarcissistobsessedwithyou #narcissist #makenarcissistobsessedwithyou #toxicpeople #toxicrelationships When you break up with a narcissist, it might feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. But if you decide you want them back and you don’t want to beg for their attention—you want them to come back to you. Or, maybe you only want them back to reject them one last time. In this video, I’ll tell you exactly how to show your narcissist ex what they’ve been missing so they desperately want you back, they get obsessed with you and they regret losing you. So, if you want to find a way to make a narcissist obsessed with you, you may have to think from their angle. You need to find a way to beat them at their game. Get inside their mind to make them miss you. Narcissists don’t see their victims as human beings but objects to be used and misused. They don’t care about your emotions or about breaking your heart. They won’t think twice when they’re about to hurt you. A narcissist only sees you as a source of narcissistic supply. You have to stop perceiving the narcissist as human beings as well for them to miss you. You may be thinking that you have to be too attractive for you to make a narcissist obsessed with you but that’s not true. Of course being attractive gives you an advantage but attractiveness is not what makes a narcissist think about you obsessively. Generally, people overthink about something they don’t fully understand. If someone came and told you that there’s something they don’t like about you, you will automatically start wondering what that thing is. Even if you were not interested in that person, you would still be eager to know what they don’t like about you. But as soon as they tell you what that thing is, you won’t think about them anymore. Sometimes, all what you need to do is to just confuse the narcissist by taking actions that they don’t fully understand and let them try to solve the puzzle. To make a narcissist want you back, you have to play with their mind the same way they used to play with yours. The key is in dragging them into a cycle: love bombing, devaluation, discarding, and hoovering. To put it simply, you have to give them validation and attention. Then, you have to crush their ego and destroy their self-esteem. After that, when you’re sure you’ve succeeded in making them emotionally dependent, it’s time to discard them. However, you won’t leave them alone even then. You hoover them again. The mindset of a narcissist is much different than yours. Narcs don’t have the same thought patterns as the rest of us. That’s why, before you do anything, you have to enter their mind. Basically, you have to think the way they do. That’s the only way to trick them and win this war of the mind games and make the narcissist miss you. #makenarcissistmissyou #narcissism #narcissisticpersonalitydisorder #npd #doctorsammybaya #covertnarcissist #covertnarcissism how to make a narcissist obsessed with you, how to make a narcissist miss you, narcissist, narcissism, narcissistic personality disorder, npd, doctorsammybaya, covert narcissist, covert narcissism SOCIAL CONTACTS Email: [email protected] WhatsApp: (+254)0724569024 Instagram: dr.sammybaya Tiktok: dr.sammybaya Twitter: @dr_sammybaya