Spring’s first tune ( 적어도 봄은 같이 보낼줄 알았어 )
“Spring’s first tune (적어도 봄은 같이 보낼줄 알았어)” has a melody which describes the emotions of healing and moving on from a person you once loved The song includes light hearted sounds of piano and a relaxing guitar tune, to give a refreshing sound to listeners In 2021’s first spring, 20cember has created their first instrumental song together “적어도 봄은 같이 보낼줄 알았어”, the alternate korean title of “Springs first tune” translates to “At least I thought I would spend spring with you ” The meaning behind the title explains that one would have never known things would end before spring started Spring’s first tune interprets to 20cember’s first song, created in the season of spring 20cember starts their music passion as a group of three and intends to continue working on music projects Tiktok account- @20cember_ Instagram - @20cember #music #노래 #프로듀싱 #노래추천 #힐링노래 #뮤직스타그램 #밴드 #chillbeats #producing #playlist #작곡 #자작곡 #composition #practice #band #composer #songwriters #감성노래 #thevolunteers #nowseoulnight #dprlive #dpr #krnb #dean #guitar #piano