"Gospel Basics, Pt. 1—Created" — 1st Sun. of Advent, 11/27/22

"Gospel Basics, Pt. 1—Created" — 1st Sun. of Advent, 11/27/22

Our guest presider and preacher at Masses this past weekend was Bishop Peter Smith, Auxiliary Bishop of the Portland Archdiocese. His message is the first of a 4-part Advent series on Gospel Basics (in Greek, "the Kerygma"). This series will enrich our grasp and appreciation of Christmas' significance as the initial chapter of the Good News that is ours in Christ Jesus. Listen now. Mass Readings for November 27, 2022, the First Sunday of Advent: Is 2:1-5, Ps 122:1-2, 3-4, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, Rom 13:11-14, Ps 85:8, Matt 24:37-44