Land revenue recovery process, modes of land revenue recovery by sir Riaz Nadeem

Land revenue recovery process, modes of land revenue recovery by sir Riaz Nadeem

In this video, with reference to Tehsildar PPSC Exam, Sir Riaz Nadeem presents Complete summary and review of Land Revenue Act 1967, Land Acquisition Act 1894, and Tenancy Act 1887. All Major Sections are clearly explained with simple examples. All chapters of these three Acts are dealt with in a comprehensive manner for the best recap for Tehsildar Exam. Any aspirant can easily understand the concepts of these Revenue Acts for any Exam. A simple comparison of these three Acts is also available in this video. 30+ MCQs of Land Revenue Acts are also easily prepared by this best video on this topic. To Join WhatsApp Community Group: Complete Reading Material for Tehsildar Preparation: All lectures playlists: Revenue Laws:     • Land Revenue Laws for ...   English Lectures:    • Tehsildar English Pape...   Urdu Lectures:     • Tehsildar Urdu Paper P...   GK Lectures:     • Teshildar GK Paper Pre...   Land Acquisition Act:     • Land Acquisition Act 1...   Punjab Tenancy Act 1887:     • Punjab Tenancy Act 188...   Naib Tehsildar SPSC Complete Lectures:     • Playlist   --------------------------- Chapters Detail: 0:00 Start 0:10 Introduction to video 0:18 Tehsildar all lectures ---------------------------- 3:36 THE PUNJAB LAND-REVENUE ACT, 1967 CHAPTER I 4:00 Preliminary CHAPTER II 4:49 Divisions and Districts CHAPTER III 5:48 Appointment and Powers of Revenue Officers Appointment CHAPTER IV 6:43 Procedure of Revenue Officers CHAPTER V 7:49 Village Officers CHAPTER VI 8:11 Records of Rights CHAPTER VII 9:11 Assessment CHAPTER VIII 12:19 Collection of Land Revenue (Recovery of Arrears of Land Revenue) CHAPTER IX 19:50 Recovery of other demands by Revenue Officers CHAPTER X 20:56 Surveys and Boundaries CHAPTER XI 21:57 Partition CHAPTER XII 22:58 Arbitration CHAPTER XIII 24:38 Appeal, Review and Revision CHAPTER XIV 25:52 Supplemental Provisions Revenue Deposits CHAPTER XV 26:53 Miscellaneous ---------------------------------- 27:45 THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894 PART I 28:56 PRELIMINARY PART II 30:05 ACQUISITION PART III 32:17 REFERENCE TO COURT AND PROCEDURE THEREON PART IV 33:53 APPORTIONMENT OF COMPENSATION PART V 34:14 PAYMENT PART VI 35:31 TEMPORARY OCCUPATION OF LAND PART VII 36:19 ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR COMPANIES PART VIII 37:32 MISCELLANEOUS ------------------------------ 38:17 THE PUNJAB TENANCY ACT, 1887 CHAPTER I 40:58 PRELIMINARY CHAPTER II 41:28 RIGHT OF OCCUPANCY CHAPTER III 43:13 RENT CHAPTER IV 46:11 RELINQUISHMENT, ABANDONMENT AND EJECTMENT CHAPTER V 48:58 ALIENATION OF, AND SUCCESSION TO, RIGHT OF OCCUPANCY CHAPTER V-A CHAPTER VI 50:05 IMPROVEMENTS AND COMPENSATION CHAPTER VII 50:41 JURISDICTION AND PROCEDURE CHAPTER VIII 52:18 EFFECT OF THIS ACT ON RECORDS-OF-RIGHTS AND AGREEMENTS --------------------- Titles: tehsildar test preparation pakistan punjab tehsildar punjab tehsildar exam syllabus ppsc tehsildar jobs 2023 ppsc tehsildar preparation ppsc tehsildar interview ppsc tehsildar syllabus 2023 tehsildar preparation lectures revenue laws for tehsildar land revenue act 1967 land revenue act 1967 mcqs land revenue act on fingertips part 2 land acquisition act 1894 lectures land acquisition act 1894 lectures land acquisition act 1894 mcqs land acquisition act 1894 section 4 tenancy act 1887 tenancy act punjab tenancy act 1887 complete punjab tenancy act 1887 mcqs punjab tenancy act 1887 right of occupancy tehsildar revenue laws tehsildar revenue law syllabus tehsildar revenue acts tahsildar land revenue act land revenue act 1967 pakistan in urdu land acquisition act 1894 section 32 revenue laws for tehsildar tehsildar syllabus 2023 tehsildar past paper 2022 ppsc revenue laws for tehsildar, naib tehsildar syllabus land acquisition act 1894 lectures tehsildar past paper 2022 ppsc past paper revenue laws for tehsildar naib tehsildar past papers punjab land revenue act, 1967 naib tehsildar preparation tehsildar exam preparation tehsildar test preparation kpk tehsildar test preparation --------------------------- Hashtags: #tehsildarfreepreaparation #ppsc2021 #landrevenueact #landacquisition #landlaws #punjabtenancyact #tenancy #landrevenueact #ppscpreparation #overview #overviews #tehsildarguide #naibtehsildar_exam #naibtehsildarexam #latestjobs #landlaws #tehsildarsyllabus #tehsildarppsc #ppscpreparation #ppsctestpreparation #revenuelawstips #spsc #naibtehsildaar #naibtehsildar_exam #punjabtenancyact #punjablandrevenueact #acquisition #acquisitionproject #punjablandrevenueact #punjab #land #revenue #act1967