Fetal heart rate/ fhr boy or girl / baby gender prediction
Fetal heart rate/ fhr boy or girl/ baby gender prediction fhr 144b/m boy or girl , fhr 140 boy or girl fhr 140 b/m boy or girl , 142 heartbeat boy or girl fhr of male baby , heart rate of baby boy 142 bm boy or girl. fhr 142 means fetal heart rate boy or girl Baby heart beat boy or girl The fetal heart rate is the heart rate and rhythm of your baby in the womb. Monitoring fetal heart rate helps the health care provider to see how the baby in the womb is doing. The old wives believed that gender of a baby can be predicted by using the baby's heart rate value. It is just a myth and has no scientific proof or evidence to back it up. Gender of a baby is determine at conception. #fhr #fetalheartrate #fhr144b/mboyorgirl #baby #babygender #pregnancy #fetus #fhr140b/m #fhrboyorgirl #babyboyfhr #boyorgirl #ultrasoundscan #20weeksscan #gender #genderprediction