The Truth about Resurrection 부활에 관한 진실 (Dr. Hann Tchah) - 2024/03/31
인천 연수구 송도동에 위치한 인천국제침례교회입니다 Incheon International Baptist Church located in Songdo-dong, Incheon At IIBC, we do not want anyone to go to hell Are you 100% sure that you are saved? Pray the Sinners Prayer Read Romans Are You Saved? -Reference- #부활 #부활절 #리_스트로벨 #성경적부활 #수요일십자가처형 #이교도축제 #썩지않는피 #은혜 #복음 #Resurrection #Easter #Lee_Strobel #Resurrections_in_the_Bible #Crucifixion_on_Wednesday #Pagan_holiday #Incorruptible_blood #Grace #Gospel