Scabies Treatment, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Permethrin Lotion, Dermatology Medicine Lectures USMLE/NCLEX
Scabies Treatment, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Permethrin Lotion, Dermatology Medicine Lectures USMLE/NCLEX In this video on scabies patient treatment and management, i have explained what is scabies which is caused by parasite sarcotopes scabei, how scabies is diagnosed under a dermoscope and a microscope, and how it is treated by permethrin lotion. Scabies is one of the very common diseases with which many patients are affected and many doctors receive patients every day who are suffering from scabies. Medicine used for scabies include tablet ivermectin , the dosage of ivermectin tablets has also been explained. it is a high yield topic for all doctors and nurses. Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:09 What is Scabies? 0:18 Transmission of Sarcotopes Scabei 0:57 Pathogenesis 2:12 Clinical Symptoms 2:27 Examination Findings 4:01 Areas of body affected by scabies 5:03 Diagnosis 6:28 Treatment 8:26 Symptomatic Relief 8:49 General Measures 9:59 In Summary FOLLOW ME ON :) Instagram: / docwaqasfazal Facebook: / drwaqasfazal SUBSCRIBE TO MEDNERD FOR MORE INTERESTING VIDEOS Infectious Medicine Playlist: • Infectious Medicine Lectures Cardiology Lectures: • Cardiology Bootcamp Lectures Neurology Lectures Playlist: • Neurology Lectures Emergency Medicine Lectures Playlist : • Emergency Medicine Lectures TOXICOLOGY/POISONING LECTURES: • Toxicology/Poisoning Lectures #Scabies #scabiestreatment #scabiesmanagement #scabiesusmle #scabiespresentation #scabiessymptomsinhumans #scabiesundermicroscope #scabiessymptomsandtreatment #permethrin #permethrinlotion #dermatologylectures #scabiesmedicinelecture #ivermectintabletscabies #scabiesivermectin scabies diagnosis and treatment,diagnosing scabies,scabies diagnosis,scabies under skin,scabies nclex,medicine lectures