99 Dodge Cummins Preheat Not Working

99 Dodge Cummins Preheat Not Working

Having cold start issues? common problem to have the grid heating elements stop working causing a hard start condition. This video takes you through the steps to beak the circuit down to determine where your system is failing. The main harness coming off from the battery to the relays has fusible links built into it and can cause the entire system to stop working but physically look fine (Mopar part# 56019405). That harness is discontinued so you can find some on Ebay and there are a few companies that make them, however, for less than $20 you can repair this harness yourself and get your grid heaters working again. Easy cheap fix, just requires your time and some basic tools. Please like and subscribe, drop a comment and let us know if there is something you would like to see. Contact us @ [email protected] #99 dodge cummins #gridheater #cummins