I Tried The NEW SWORD And The Results Are CRAZY | Blox Fruits

I Tried The NEW SWORD And The Results Are CRAZY | Blox Fruits

I tried the new dragon heart sword and bounty hunted with it and the results were shocking My Discord Server:  / discord   Music Used In This Video: massobeats - honey jam    • massobeats - honey jam (royalty free ...   ﷽ Tags: #roblox ,#robloxanimation ,#robloxstory ,#robloxbullystory ,#robloxedit ,#robloxfunnymoments ,#robloxrobux ,#robloxsadstory ,#robloxanimations ,#freerobuxroblox ,#robloxfreerobux ,#editroblox ,#robloxgames ,#robloxnoob ,#robloxmeme ,#robloxasmr ,#robux ,#robloxedits ,#robloxwar ,#robloxjelly ,#robloxtacos ,#funnyroblox ,#robloxgames ,#shortsroblox ,#robloxgaming ,#whatisroblox ,#howtogetfreerobux ,#editsderoblox ,#robloxgameplay ,#bloxfruitsbountyhunting ,#bountyhunting ,#bountyhunter ,#bloxfruitbountyhunting ,#bountyhunter ,#bountyhunt ,#bountyhunters ,#bloxfruitsdefeatingallbosses ,#bloxfruitsbountyhunting ,#bloxfruits #tipsandtricks ,#bountyhunt ,#leopardfruit ,#bountyhunting ,#bloxfruitsbountyhunting ,#bountyhunting,#bloxfruits ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #roblox ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #onepiece ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #bountyhunting ​​​​​​​ #honorhunting ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #gaming ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #pvp ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #pc ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #anime #soulcane #superhuman #deathstep #bounty #electroclaw #acidrifle #Sword #fruit #rumble #Gun #zoro #bow #darkblade #enma #pro #yoru #Yama #electricclaw #bomb #devilfruit #combo #Paw #robux #superhuman #shisui #bloxfruits #dark #acidrifle #gun #aimbot #hacker #robux #darkblade #darkdagger #gum #rubber #luffy #spike #quake #tremor #flame #dough #shadow #dragontalon #goodhuman #leopard #sanguineart #cdk #blizard #scythe #revive #ice #chop #jitte #Venom #shisui #light #foxlamp #tushita #sharkman #rengoku #saber #trident #acid #serpentbow #control #soul #bloxfruitsupdate20 #sand #awakenedsand #dragon #love #hacker #ttk #melee #darkstep #tty #TripleYoru #truetripleyoru #TripleDarkBlade #TrueTripleDarkBlade #string #buddysword #HybridStats #BloxfruitsOwner #bloxfruitsadmin #rip_indra #doughawakening #koko #kitsune #rengoku #yama #soulguitar #bloxfruits #onepiece #roblox #bloxfruits #bloxfruitsbountyhunting #bloxfruitscombo #spirit #yamaha #eclaw #electricclaw #godhuman #soulguitar #ghoulrace #spiritfruit #spiritcombo #serpentbow #oneshotcombo #blizzard #blizzardfruit #magmafruit #ice #icecombo #icefruit #dough #doughcombo #dragontrident #cdk #polev2 #hallowscythe #darkdagger #darkblade #rengoku #spikeytrident #gravitycane #truetriplekatana #darkcombo #darkfruit #darkblade #darkdagger #phoenix #phoenixfruit #update20 #update20bloxfruits #sanguine #sharkanchor #leviathanboss