The Walking Dead: S1E5 - No Time Left (HUN) Végigjátszás 2.rész: Hogyan tovább? (PC HD)

The Walking Dead: S1E5 - No Time Left (HUN) Végigjátszás 2.rész: Hogyan tovább? (PC HD)

The Walking Dead Negyedik epizód - Nem maradt idő "Magyar Felirattal" The Walking Dead: Episode 5 - No Time Left "Telltale Games" Gameplay Interaktív Thriller/Horror/Kaland/Dráma Magyar Feliratos Teljes Végigjátszás 2.rész amely tartalmazza a Játék/Történet Nem maradt idő fejezetét. Ez a The Walking Dead Játékvideó/Végigjátszás tartalmazni fogja továbbá a Befejező jelenetet is. Playlist - Lejátszási lista: Iratkozz fel: Google+: Kövess Twitteren:   / kisfiu87   Kövess Facebookon:   / kisfiu87youtubechannel   The Walking Dead (also known as The Walking Dead: The Game and The Walking Dead: Season One) is an episodic graphic adventure based on Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead comic book series. The game was developed by Telltale Games and was initially slated for release in the last months of 2011, but was held back until early 2012 to allow further time for development. The game consists of five episodes, released between April and November 2012. Telltale has also published retail versions of the complete game. Currently the game is available for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows, iOS, OS X and PlayStation Vita system, and an Ouya version is planned for release in early 2014. The game takes place in the same fictional world as the comic, with events occurring shortly after the onset of the zombie apocalypse in Georgia. However, most of the characters are original to the game, which centers on university professor and convicted murderer Lee Everett, who helps to rescue and subsequently care for a young girl named Clementine. Kirkman provided oversight for the game's story to ensure it corresponded to the tone of the comic, but allowed Telltale to handle the bulk of the developmental work and story specifics. Three characters from the original comic book series make in-game appearances; Hershel Greene, Shawn Greene and Glenn Rhee. The Walking Dead is a graphic adventure, played from a third-person perspective with a variety of cinematic camera angles, in which the player, as protagonist Lee Everett, works with a rag-tag group of survivors to stay alive in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. The player can examine and interact with characters and items, and must make use of inventory items and the environment. Throughout the game, the player is presented with the ability to interact with their surroundings, and options to determine the nature of that interaction. For example, the player may be able to look at a character, talk to that character, or if they are carrying an item, offer it to the character or ask them about it. According to Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead game is focused more on developing characters and story, and less on the action tropes that tend to feature in other zombie-based games, such as Left 4 Dead. Episode 1 -- "A New Day" -Written by Sean Vanaman -At the onset of the zombie apocalypse, Lee rescues young Clementine, and joins with other survivors in Macon, Georgia to protect themselves from the hordes of walkers.