Remove kidney stone | गुर्दे की पथरी को जल्दी ठीक करें | pathri ka ilaj | pathri ki dawai

Remove kidney stone | गुर्दे की पथरी को जल्दी ठीक करें | pathri ka ilaj | pathri ki dawai

गुर्दे की पथरी को जल्दी ठीक करें |    • Remove kidney stone | गुर्दे की पथरी ...   #always #prefer an #expert #homeopathic #doctor for #treatment of more than #5mm #kidney, #ureteric or #bladder #stone. In #most of the homeopathic #treatment #patient #symptomatically #stabilized that's mean #pain #burning and other discomfort gone away but it does not mean that the stone is passed out this is the major confusion which we occasionally feel during the treatment of kidney stone. गुर्दे की #पथरी में कुछ बातों का विशेष ध्यान देना चाहिए जैसे कि इलाज को #सुरक्षित तरीके से करना है जिससे #किडनी खराब ना हो । इसके अलावा #मरीज को यह भी बताना होता है यह तो उसके #दर्द या जलन में आराम मिल गया है तो इसका यह मतलब नहीं है कि पथरी निकल गई है इसके लिए अल्ट्रासाउंड करवा कर देखना पड़ता है । #होम्योपैथिक इलाज से न केवल #गुर्दे की पथरी ठीक होती है जबकि इसके दोबारा बनने को भी रोका जा सकता है। ज्यादातर डॉक्टर 5MM से बड़ी साइज के लिए #ऑपरेशन के लिए बोल देते हैं जबकि होम्योपैथिक #इलाज से 15MM तक की पथरी को होम्योपैथिक दवाइयों से ठीक किया जा सकता है। In some of the cases we seen that #kidney stone are asymptomatic until they obstruct the passage, but as time passes the density of the #stone increases, its become harder and harder (HU raised) and which become very difficult to break or remove. So it is very necessary for a renal stone patient to take treatment properly until the #ultrasound report show that there is no stone. In severe obstructed cases kidneys are compromised and we can observe glomerulus changes inside the kidney thats mean kidneys are in trouble and needed emergency intervention. Whenever you are going to treat renal stone more than 5 mm then you always keep in your mind that diameter of ureter is 3 mm to 5 mm and in male urethra is very narrow and long so treatment of renal stone should be always in safe hands. always careful about kidneys because big sized renal stones when obstruct the passage it causes hydronephrosis which can damage your kidneys. More than 5MM kidney stone should be treated carefully under a specialist homeopath because during process of treatment of obstruction can be done which will damage your kidneys. As our experience in more than 5000 renal stone cases that were upto 15 mm can be dissolve by constitutional homeopathic treatment. Most of the people unaware that how so big sized renal stone can dissolve by homeopathic medicine. i will like to say this is just experience of the doctor. In Allopathy more than 5MM kidney stone are advised for surgery but no doubt after the surgery it make came back because formation of renal stone mostly done because of concentrated urine which leads to formation of a stone again and again. So there are some precautions which you needed to get rid of this stone formation that is proper homeopathic medications because homeopathic medicine not only dissolve the stones while it also affect its reformation. No need of surgery again and again. With certain precautions you can avoid its reformation few things you always keep in your mind which are to avoid reformation of kidney stone. Precautions--- 1st take plenty of water up to the 4 liter ti 5 liter per day. 2nd low sodium diet. 3rd low protein diet. Avoid calcium rich food like the spinach, tomato, brinjal and other leafy vegetables which are rich in calcium oxalate. You have also to avoid alcohol intake. Mushroom and some fruits like pomegranate, grapes etc. About your kidney stone and adopt safe homeopathic treatment because in the longer duration when a stone stuck in your ureter, urethra or bladder will damage your kidney and this will be a serious problem. Believe in homeopathy believe in safe medication without any side effects. For any query or clinic consultation you can contact us- The next generation homoeopathy @ Niramaya homoeopathy. For more info visit our website 👇 For clinic related info click below👇 For appointment click below 👇 Click here to know how to take online apponitment 👇 • How to take appointment on Niramaya H... Regards Dr Atul Kumar Singh Niramaya multispeciality homoeopathic clinic 9236185711 / 7007205535