What Happened to Liver Cirrhosis Patients with Ayurveda Treatment? How 43 kPa Reduced to 10 kPa?

What Happened to Liver Cirrhosis Patients with Ayurveda Treatment? How 43 kPa Reduced to 10 kPa?

Join Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurveda) as he interacts with his old and new liver cirrhosis patients revealing truths about their journeys & experiences with Ayurveda treatment. How some patients experienced their kPa levels reducing from 43 kPa to 10 kPa? What is kPa? kPa, or kilopascal - a unit of pressure measurement. Medically used to measure liver stiffness, an indicator of liver fibrosis or cirrhosis. Lower kPa values signify less stiffness and healthier liver tissue. What is Liver Cirrhosis? Liver cirrhosis - a late stage of liver scarring (fibrosis) caused by many liver diseases and conditions. Each time your liver is injured, it tries to repair itself. In the process, scar tissue forms. As cirrhosis progresses, more scar tissue forms, making liver functions difficult. Choose Your Personalized Combo Pack from Planet Ayurveda Consulting with TOP AYURVEDA EXPERTS NOW: https://www.planetayurveda.com/online... BUY YAKRIT PLIHANTAK CHURNA: Big Pack - https://store.planetayurveda.com/prod... Small Pack - https://store.planetayurveda.com/prod... BUY LIVER SUPPORT TEA: https://store.planetayurveda.com/prod... BUY LIVER CARE PACK (DOUBLE STRENGTH) NOW: https://store.planetayurveda.com/prod... BUY FATTY LIVER CARE PACK NOW: https://store.planetayurveda.com/prod... READ MORE ABOUT NATURAL AYURVEDIC TREATMENT OF KIDNEYS: https://www.planetayurveda.com/?s=kidney Types of Liver Cirrhosis: Alcoholic cirrhosis: Caused by chronic alcohol abuse. Postnecrotic cirrhosis: Caused by Chronic viral hepatitis B, C, and D Biliary cirrhosis: Caused by bile duct diseases. Cardiac cirrhosis: Caused by long-standing, severe right heart failure. Other Causes of Liver Cirrhosis: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Iron buildup in the body Cystic fibrosis Copper accumulated in the liver Early signs and Symptoms of Liver Cirrhosis: Fatigue Loss of appetite Nausea Swelling in your legs, feet, or ankles (edema) Weight loss Itchy skin jaundice Fluid accumulation in abdomen (ascites) 🔍 Understanding Liver Health & Vital functions of the liver. 🍃 Ayurvedic Perspective on Liver Diseases: The Ayurvedic view on fatty liver and liver cirrhosis. Common causes and contributing factors according to Ayurveda. The role of doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) in liver disorders. 🛡️ Prevention Tips: Daily habits to maintain a healthy liver. 🧘 Holistic Approaches: Incorporating yoga and meditation for liver health. The significance of mental well-being and stress management. Lifestyle changes to support liver regeneration and healing. Watch the full video to understand how Ayurveda has transformed the lives of liver cirrhosis patients and why it is considered a better treatment option by many. Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine, offers a natural and sustainable way to manage liver cirrhosis and improve liver function and health without invasive procedures like liver transplants through herbal remedies, diet, and lifestyle changes. 👨‍⚕️ Expert Advice from Dr. Vikram Chauhan: Whether you're looking to improve your liver health, prevent future issues, or find natural ways to support your liver, this video offers valuable knowledge and practical advice. Learn how Ayurveda can help you lead a healthier, more balanced life. 👍 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more insightful health videos! 📢 Stay Connected with Planet Ayurveda Liver Cirrhosis Testimonials Playlist :-    • Liver Cirrhosis Testimonials   ************************************************************* For any Type of Health Queries, Reach us: (+91) 172-521-4040 (Call), Call / WhatsApp at (+91) 991-559-3604 Book Consultations with Ayurveda Experts from the Comfort of Your Home (+91) 842-749-4030 E-mail ID - [email protected] Website - https://planetayurveda.com FOLLOW US : Facebook :   / planetayurvedain   Instagram :   / planetayurveda   Twitter :   / planetayurveda4   Subscribe Our YouTube Channel :    / planetayurvedatv   Blog : https://www.alwaysayurveda.net #LiverCirrhosisAyurvedicTreatment #LiverCirrhosisAyurvedaTreatment #LiverCirrhosisPatientReview #LiverCirrhosisCure #LiverCirrhosisReversal #ReverseLiverCirrhosis #AyurvedaForLiverCirrhosis #LiverCirrhosisCuredPatient #LiverCirrhosisTreatment #LiverCirrhosisTreatmentInAyurveda #AyurvedaForLiverCirrhosisTreatment #LiverCarePack #LiverCareKit #LiverCirrhosisSymptoms #LiverCirrhosisTestimonials #LiverCirrhosis #LiverCirrhosisCauses #LiverCirrhosisDiet #LiverCirrhosisMedicine #LiverCirrhosisAyurvedicMedicine #YakritPlihantakChurna #Testimonials #RealTestimonials #Review #PatientsReview #PlanetAyurvedaTestimonials #PlanetAyurvedaRealTestimonials #TopAyurvedaExperts #AyurvedicDoctor #OnlineConsultation #VideoConsultation