Why Do I Still Feel Bad Even on Thyroid Medication? Q & A w/ Mary Shomon

Why Do I Still Feel Bad Even on Thyroid Medication? Q & A w/ Mary Shomon

Head to https://www.thyroidrefresh.com/tuneup/ for more info! The THYROID30 Tuneup is the ultimate crash course for anyone taking supplemental thyroid hormone (i.e. Levothyroxine, Armour, Synthroid, Cytomel, Tirosint, etc.) Even if you’re on medication, and your TSH is in the normal range, you can be plagued by thyroid-related symptoms. While medication is an important part of your treatment, there’s a LOT more to it. ❔ Which foods you should eat, and not eat? ❔ Which supplements can help your thyroid? ❔ What's the difference between “normal” and OPTIMAL test results? ❔ What are your options for thyroid medication? ❔ Why are you having sleep issues and how do they affect your thyroid? ❔ What is the effect of stress on the thyroid and how to manage it? ❔ What are thyroid antibodies and why do they matter? ❔ How do your adrenals and sex hormones affect the thyroid? ❔ How to TROUBLESHOOT your thyroid issues? The THYROID30 Tuneup with Mary Shomon covers all of these topics, giving you a step-by-step roadmap to reclaiming your health. This 3-part video series delivers all the information in an easy-to-digest format. This high-value course comes with a 130+ page "Owners Manual" eBook. You don’t need to take notes or remember anything! Everything you need is well-organized and right at your fingertips, whenever you’re in need of another “ thyroid tuneup”. Check out the THYROID30 Tuneup at the link below: https://www.thyroidrefresh.com/tuneup/ #thyroid30tuneup #thyroid #thyroidrefresh