Mass Livestream | What Really Matters? | The Solemnity of Christ | 11.22.2020 | Fr. Brian Larkin

Mass Livestream | What Really Matters? | The Solemnity of Christ | 11.22.2020 | Fr. Brian Larkin

Solemnity of Christ Homily: Homily at 20:39 What Really Matters? The Solemnity of the Lord is considered the end of the year, liturgically speaking. And, at the end of the year, God wants you to think about the end of your life. In the end, what will matter? Fr. Gawronski's influence is the reason for Father Brian's love of Balthasar "Blind alleys and blind leads..." Fr. Gawronski's story about his suffering that led him back to Christ.    • EC2008 - Fr Raymond Gawronski SJ - Ho...   And further reading about Fr. Gawronski: He was a man of very deep prayer. His dream was that the angels carried him to heaven, but they changed into demons and put him in a guillotine... but someone said, "Just remember that it was not your head that got you in here." Christianity is not about your accomplishments—it's about your heart. St. John of the Cross—"You will be judged on love, alone." Fr. Brian has congregation repeat: "Unless I love the poor, I will go to hell." "The meaning of your life is that you will learn to love."—Fr. Brian Larkin Fr. Gawronski's last words I would say would be "Love your mother." "Without the love of a mother, the world would freeze to death in its computerized protection." "St. John of the Cross says, 'Put in love where is no love and you will draw out love.' Our Lord … has called those whom he desires on this pilgrimage. We are made for the community of love - and we will miss each other. Even if we do not meet again (and I hope we do), your faces will be in my heart for eternity and mine in yours. The Father’s will is being done … calling us all to the peaks." —Fr. John Nepil, taken from his homily at Fr. Gawronski's funeral Mass Details about Our Lady of Lourdes Roman Catholic Church in Denver, Colorado: For sacramental inquiries: email [email protected] Location: Denver, Colorado, United States Links: Donate: Facebook:   / lourdesdenver   Instagram:   / lourdes_denver   Vimeo: Website: