What to Plant in January: Kickstart Your Garden This Year!

What to Plant in January: Kickstart Your Garden This Year!

We have made it past the winter solstice! Let's talk about what to plant this month and also the WHY behind it all. Whether you want to start from seeds or starts, now is the time to do it for all sorts of varieties. We also break it down in the newest version of the calendar for you. We're just about the middle of the cool season here in zones 9 and 10, so almost all cool season crops are on the table. Think about brassicas, greens, roots, and more! It's a little too early for warm season crops, but you'll be able to do those very soon. January is also one of the best months to plant flowers! Even if the variety prefers warmer weather, you can get many of them started and established to reward you with early blooms. KEEP LEARNING → Get the Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/sandiegoseedcompan... →All the Seeds & Education You Need: https://sandiegoseedcompany.com/produ... →Join a Gardening Class: https://sandiegoseedcompany.com/garde... →Want More Gardening Tips? https://sandiegoseedcompany.com/blog/ GET STOCKED UP: →Vegetables: https://sandiegoseedcompany.com/produ... →Flowers: https://sandiegoseedcompany.com/produ... →Herbs: https://sandiegoseedcompany.com/produ... →Rare Seeds: https://sandiegoseedcompany.com/produ... →Tools & Merchandise: https://sandiegoseedcompany.com/produ... CONNECT WITH US ON SOCIAL MEDIA →Instagram:   / sandiegoseedcompany   →Facebook:   / sandiegoseedcompany   #gardening