Meditation Challenge Day 180 - 7 Lessons Learned
In this video, I share 7 lessons I learned from my 180 days of Meditation Challenge. When I started this meditation challenge, I felt lost and depressed. Little did I know that simply committing to 2 hours of meditation practice would fire the engines of evolution in my life! I have grown by leaps and bounds in the past 180 days – I couldn’t have predicted this back in December when I started this meditation challenge. In the past 180 days, my meditation practice improved manifold. When you meditate daily, you naturally become more in tune with yourself, your intuition and your emotions. This Meditation Challenge was one of the best gifts I gave myself recently. There is naturally more surrender and acceptance in day-to-day life. And then, there are days when the negative ego rears its ugly head, and you wonder, where did the magic disappear? If there’s one thing I have learned in the past 180 days of meditation challenge - it is that healing is a journey. Your daily meditation practice is a journey. Meditation is not a destination you arrive at but rather a continuous journey into self-exploration, self-awareness, and becoming. Perhaps, this video will nudge you to take on a similar meditation challenge. If so, let me know how that meditation challenge went for you. I can't wait to hear. Thank you so much for being here and giving this video a watch. As always, please only take what resonates and discard the rest. *** Join email list here: https://bit.ly/3s038Qe *** Video on Healing Negative Emotions - • Root cause of Anger and Addiction. Le... *** Come join the family on Social, LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/kiranbedi *** #meditationchallenge, #meditationchallenge2021, #30daymeditationchallenge, meditation challenge ideas, meditation challenge for beginners, meditation challenge gabby Bernstein, 30 day meditation challenge,21 day meditation challenge, daily meditation free, meditation everyday benefits, what happens when you meditate everyday, daily meditation practice, benefits of meditation everyday, meditation in everyday life, meditation experiences, meditation experiences stories, deep meditation experience, 21 day meditation experience, my meditation experience, acceptance meditation, meditation information, deep meditation experiences, how to self meditate, 21 day meditation challenge, day 1 of 21 days challenge, 21 days meditation day 1, day 1 meditation, meditation challenge day 1, day 3 of the 21 day meditation challenge, day 3 of 21 day challenge, 21 days meditation day 3, day 3 meditation, meditation challenge day 3, 21 day meditation challenge day 3, day 14 of 21 day meditation challenge, day 14 of 21 day challenge, 21 days meditation day 14, day 14 meditation, meditation challenge day 14, 21 day meditation challenge day 14, what about thoughts meditation, day 12 of 21 day meditation challenge, day 12 of 21 day challenge, 21 days meditation day 12, day 12 meditation, meditation challenge day 12, 21 day meditation challenge day 12, a new life meditation, day 6 of the 21 day meditation challenge, 21 days meditation day 6, day 6 meditation, meditation challenge day 6, 21 days, 21 days meditation challenge, 21 days of abundance, day 8 of the 21 day meditation challenge, day 8 of 21 day challenge, 21 days meditation day 8, day 8 meditation, meditation challenge day 8, 21 day meditation challenge day 8, the fire within meditation, mindfulnesswithkiran