March 12, 2023 – San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish Online Mass - 3rd Sunday of Lent

March 12, 2023 – San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish Online Mass - 3rd Sunday of Lent

The Living Water That Quenches Our Thirst The Lenten observance originally was meant to prepare the catechumens for the baptism they would receive during the Easter Vigil. That preparation included the development of several important themes, all of which were centered on Jesus Christ. Today’s theme focuses on WATER – the life-giving water that flows from Jesus. It is the water of his teaching and of his grace; the water that purifies from sin, thanks to his redeeming death and resurrection; the water of his Spirit which alone can satisfy our yearning for acceptance, appreciation, meaning, and love. All these gifts were offered to us at our baptism. They are also constantly made available to us every time we approach him with faith and love. This is what we are invited to do today as we gather around the altar to recall the gift of our baptism and to offer the Father the life-giving sacrifice of the Eucharist. Read weekly gospel reflections at our website at Visit our facebook page at:   / sanlorenzoruizparish   For FREE Activity Sheets and Learning Tools for Catholic Kids, please visit: Thank you for supporting San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish. For your love offerings and donations, please visit: