GTA 5 - CASINO HEIST Entry Disguise - Bugstar Gear Part 2 (The Big Con Approach)
GTA 5 - CASINO HEIST - Bugstar Gear Part 2 (The Big Con Approach) Bugstar Gear Part 2 is a prep mission featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the The Diamond Casino Heist update. It is a freeroam mission needed to progress The Diamond Casino Heist. The player must have completed Bugstar Gear Part 1 in order to play this mission. Completing this mission allows players to use the Bugstars entrance disguise in The Big Con approach. Lester informs the player that they need to dump some pests at the Casino in order to create a reason for a Bugstar team to arrive. The player must head to Rogers Salvage & Scrap to steal a Trashmaster. After doing so, they must head to the casino and dump trash bags full of insects at the rear and side doors. After leaving with the Trashmaster, the mission is complete. Using the garbage truck to plant roaches into the casino, so that they'd call us for extermination. Good plan. ft. Tamil Puzhavars