Exercises in Second and Third Trimester of Pregnancy |  Dr. Anjali Kumar | Maitri

Exercises in Second and Third Trimester of Pregnancy | Dr. Anjali Kumar | Maitri

Most of us are keen to exercise in pregnancy and understand the benefits of being fit in pregnancy. But how to start? How to find the right trainer or the exercise studio? Sometimes the studio may be far away, or it may not be feasible to travel each day for the class.  Many times the classes are too expensive. How do I trust the class? Is it safe? How do I know if this class is supervised / approved by a gynaecologist? Maitri brings you an all-encompassing Master Class on pregnancy exercises starting from the second trimester onwards. This Master Class covers everything, including breathing sessions, warm-ups, exercises, and final relaxation, with clear instructions and demonstrations. It's a pre-recorded Master Class trailer carefully curated by senior gynecologists and fitness professionals and led by a certified prenatal fitness trainer at Maitri.  The best part? You can do this Master Class at your convenience, right from the comfort of your home at any time. It's versatile, accessible on your phone, laptop, or smart TV, and you can pause or restart the Master Class according to your comfort and stamina. Click here to join: https://masterclass.maitriwoman.com/p... or visit maitriwoman.com Our new Hindi YouTube Channel- Maitri Hindi https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCTp-Uy... Instagram:   / maitriwoman   Facebook:   / maitriwoman   Business Enquiries ONLY: [email protected] My daughter: Sejal Kumar:    / sejalkumar7   Shot and edited by Arista Motion Pictures - https:// www.instagram.com/studio.arista/