Blind Reaction: The Dragon Prince Book 2 Sky: Chapters 8-9 (Book 2 Finale)
In which we finish a great book of The Dragon Prince, and I find myself really curious to see how this series moves forward from here. The Dragon Prince Book 2: Sky Chapter 8 "The Book of Destiny" The Dragon Prince Book 2: Sky Chapter 9 "Breathe" The Dragon Prince Season 2 Episode 8 "The Book of Destiny" The Dragon Prince Season 2 Episode 9 "Breathe" Pixeldrain Reaction Link: https://pixeldrain.com/u/Db1cusfA MEGA Reaction Link: https://mega.nz/file/aLwQSIJB#k62lWuQ... Support me on Patreon: http://bitly.com/PatreonTFS Join the Discord Server: http://bitly.com/DiscordTFS Follow me on Twitter: http://bitly.com/TwitterTFS Check out my Anilist: https://bit.ly/3hFTj5c Google Doc relating to schedules, progress, and much more: https://bit.ly/2JZ13xy Email for business inquiries or just random potatoes: [email protected]