A Black Girl Shocked The Chinese As She Walk Round The Busiest Street Of China With A Chinese Man
Being black in China comes with many beautiful benefits and some corn , one if the corns of being black in China is you get a lot of eyes everywhere you go . People look at you and watch you like you a Chinese drama , though this can be considered a pro or one of the benefits of being black in China however if you are a shy person it can be uncomfortable. Due to how Chinese people stares at black people in China , many Chinese avoid walking in public places with a black person especially a Chinese and black woman . So this video is a very unique video of me and my Chinese male friend walking in one of the most busiest night market in China . Walking in that night market with a young Chinese man spark a lot of eyes , people look at us everywhere we go . It’s a very beautiful night and I captured the best moments for you guys . Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel if you enjoy the video and check out my Chinese friends recent interview with me . What Chinese Really Think About India Will SHOCK You- Why India failed but China succeeded • What Chinese Really Think About India... #china #blackinchina #travelwithmiracle 00:00 - 02:55 Intro 02:55 -19:25 Foshan Lake Walk 19:55 - 42:14 Black Girl Walking With Chinese In China’s Busiest Night Market 42;14 - 43:45 Outro